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Weazel News

News Team For You

Local News in San Andreas and the best team out there. We get Live Action on what is going on and give reports. Here to help the citizens of San Andreas to do a great deal. So put in an application today to see and follow your dreams.

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News 13

Local Los Santos News

We cover most of the news in the Los Santos area. We do our best to make sure that the Los Santos citizens are best informed. Take care of the people is our mottos and our dedication. Put in an application today.

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News Channel 69

Local News in Sandy Shores and Grape Seed. We cover everything that happens in our local area. Our information is accurate and factual. We do our best to give it out all. Sign up today to join our News Team.

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The News You Didn't Know

News that you know didn't happen we put on our app and on live tv. We show what other news channels don't and give you the real experience. Come sign up today if you want to be a Stringer.

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