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Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy

GB&G is committed to maintaining robust privacy protections for its users.  Our Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use and safeguard the information you provide to us and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our Service.  

For purposes of this Agreement, “Site” refers to the Company’s website, which can be accessed at“Service” refers to the Company’s services accessed via the Site.

The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the GB&G.

“You” refers to you, as a user of our Site or our Service. 

By accessing our Site or our Service, you accept our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy.


We collect “Non-Personal Information” and “Personal Information.” Non-Personal Information includes information that cannot be used to personally identify you, such as anonymous usage data, general demographic information we may collect, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, preferences you submit and preferences that are generated based on the data you submit and the number of clicks. Personal Information includes your email address, doctor/medical conditions and etc, which you submit to us through the registration process at the Site.

1.   Information collected via Technology

To activate the Service you do not need to submit any Personal Information other than your email address. To use the Service thereafter, you do need to submit further Personal Information from home address to medical to anything requested upon the GB&G applications. However, in an effort to improve the quality of the Service, we track information provided to us by your browser or by our software application when you view or use the Service, such as the website you came from (known as the “referring URL”), the type of browser you use, the device from which you connected to the Service, the time and date of access, and other information that does not personally identify you. We track this information using cookies, or small text files which include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to a user’s browser from our servers and are stored on the user’s computer hard drive. Sending a cookie to a user’s browser enables us to collect Non-Personal information about that user and keep a record of the user’s preferences when utilizing our services, both on an individual and aggregate basis. For example, the Company may use cookies to collect the following information:

·Home address, Medical Reasons, and etc. 

The Company may use both persistent and session cookies; persistent cookies remain on your computer after you close your session and until you delete them, while session cookies expire when you close your browser.

2.   The information you provide us by registering for an account

In addition to the information provided automatically by your browser when you visit the Site, to become a subscriber to the Service you will need to create a personal profile. You can create a profile by registering with the Service and entering your email address and creating a user name and a password. By registering, you are authorizing us to collect, store and use your email address in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

3. Children’s Privacy

The Site and the Service are not directed to anyone under the age of 13. The Site does not knowingly collect or solicit information from anyone under the age of 13, or allow anyone under the age of 13 to sign up for the Service. In the event that we learn that we have gathered personal information from anyone under the age of 13 without the consent of a parent or guardian, we will delete that information as soon as possible. If you believe we have collected such information, please contact us at  


Personal Information:

Except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, we do not sell, trade, rent or otherwise share for marketing purposes your Personal Information with third parties without your consent. We do share Personal Information with vendors who are performing services for the Company, such as the servers for our email communications who are provided access to user’s email address for purposes of sending emails from us. Those vendors use your Personal Information only at our direction and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

In general, the Personal Information you provide to us is used to help us communicate with you. For example, we use Personal Information to contact users in response to questions, solicit feedback from users, provide technical support, and inform users about promotional offers.

We may share Personal Information with outside parties if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to meet any applicable legal process or enforceable governmental request; to enforce applicable Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations; address fraud, security or technical concerns; or to protect against harm to the rights, property, or safety of our users or the public as required or permitted by law. 

Non-Personal Information:

In general, we use Non-Personal Information to help us improve the Service and customize the user experience. We also aggregate Non-Personal Information in order to track trends and analyze usage patterns on the Site. This Privacy Policy does not limit in any way our use or disclosure of Non-Personal Information and we reserve the right to use and disclose such Non-Personal Information to our partners, advertisers and other third parties at our discretion.

In the event we undergo a business transaction such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your Personal Information may be among the assets transferred. You acknowledge and consent that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Privacy Policy and that any acquirer of our assets may continue to process your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy. If our information practices change at any time in the future, we will post the policy changes to the Site so that you may opt out of the new information practices. We suggest that you check the Site periodically if you are concerned about how your information is used.


We implement security measures designed to protect your information from unauthorized access. Your account is protected by your account password and we urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe by not disclosing your password and by logging out of your account after each use. We further protect your information from potential security breaches by implementing certain technological security measures including encryption, firewalls and secure socket layer technology. However, these measures do not guarantee that your information will not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software. By using our Service, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.


You have the right at any time to prevent us from contacting you for marketing purposes.  When we send a promotional communication to a user, the user can opt out of further promotional communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in each promotional e-mail. You can also indicate that you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us in the home section of the Site. Please note that notwithstanding the promotional preferences you indicate by either unsubscribing or opting out in the basis of the Site, we may continue to send you administrative emails including, for example, periodic updates to our Privacy Policy.


As part of the Service, we may provide links to or compatibility with other websites or applications. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices employed by those websites or the information or content they contain. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by us through the Site and the Service. Therefore, this Privacy Policy does not apply to your use of a third party website accessed by selecting a link on our Site or via our Service. To the extent that you access or use the Service through or on another website or application, then the privacy policy of that other website or application will apply to your access or use of that site or application. We encourage our users to read the privacy statements of other websites before proceeding to use them.


The Company reserves the right to change this policy and our Terms of Service at any time.  We will notify you of significant changes to our Privacy Policy by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account or by placing a prominent notice on our site. Significant changes will go into effect 30 days following such notification. Non-material changes or clarifications will take effect immediately. You should periodically check the Site and this privacy page for updates.


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of this Site, please contact us by sending an email to

Last Updated: This Privacy Policy was last updated on 10/06/2019.

Terms of Use: About


For Both Our Terms And Policies for Our Site And Server Listings.

GB&G-RP Regulations and Policies

Policy A: Respect

(1) Any and all members (Member, GB&G-RP Friend, Staff, Administration, etc.) are required to show a level of respect towards other members of the company/community at all times.

(2) Slandering or “Talking down” about ANY member is prohibited. (e.g Cursing towards another member, starting rumors about another member, making fun of one's sexual orientation, racial slurs, etc.)

(3) Arguing verbally and/or via text chat is prohibited. If an argument is started a member of staff is to be notified immediately. DO NOT TRY TO MITIGATE THE SITUATION YOURSELF; DO NOT GET INVOLVED.

(4) Respect towards Staff Member(s) actions/decisions regarding any given situation, is required at all times. If you feel you were treated unfairly DO NOT argue with the Staff Member, submit an Internal Affairs Complaint Form through another staff member.

(5) Excessive cursing is not permitted.

Failure to comply with the above policy and anything not listed that may be considered harmful, disrespectful, or threatening may result in any of the following punishment based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):

  • Talked to by members of Staff and/or Administration

  • Kicked from the channel

  • Kicked from the Discord  Server

  • Temporary Ban from Discord Server

  • Permanent Ban from Discord Server

  • Thrown out of GB&G 8(15)

Policy B: Abuse of Channel/Offices 

(1) Channel/Offices are not to be used to conduct private conversation between oneself or any group of individuals unless otherwise authorized by a member of Administration or higher.

(2) Channel/Officers are only to be used to conduct work in a proactive manner.

(3) Channel/Offices are not to be used to seclude others.

(4) Walking away / leaving without using AFK channels is prohibited. Anyone planning to be away from their device are required to join Quick AFK or AFK based upon the amount of time they plan to spend away from the server. GOING AFK IN LOUNGES, GENERAL LOBBY, RELAXED LOBBY, ETC. IS PROHIBITED! 

(5) No more than 20 minutes idle time are allowed to pass while in the Quick AFK Channel, .doing so will result in kick from server.

(6) Separating yourself / occupying a public Channel (including but not limited to: Lounges, General Lobby, Relaxed Lobby) by yourself is prohibited. 

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s): 

  • Person(s) Removed from the channel by staff; Verbal warning by member of staff

  • Temporary “Lock-Down” of Channel/Office

  • Person(s) Kicked from the server

  • Permanent Deletion of office

Policy C: Songs/Music or other undesirable sounds

(1) All Music/Media is prohibited in all public lobbies (e.g General Lobby, Relaxed Lobby, Lounges, etc.)

(2) Undesirable sounds are prohibited in any group lobby (e.g General Lobby, Relaxed Lobby, Lounges, etc.)

(3) Burping, farting, or any sounds of bodily function are not to be heard through one's microphone.

(4) Yelling, screaming, or otherwise escalating past the normal sound level of one's voice is prohibited.

(5) Excessive background noise through someone’s microphone is prohibited in all lobbies.

(6) Excessive whispering to any user is prohibited. With exceptions in patrol channels.

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s): 

  • Verbal Warning from member of staff

  • Kick from channel

  • Kick from Discord Server

  • Temporary Ban From Discord Server

Policy D: Abuse of Authority

(1) Any tag that gives one special abilities not normally obtained; is not to be abused in any way shape or form (e.g Moving someone without permission, etc.)

(2) Changing the name of a channel is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by a member of Administration or above.

(3) Changing the description of channel is prohibited unless otherwise authorized by a member of Administration or above.

(4) Editing your display name is prohibited, unless otherwise authorized by a member of Administration or above. Name format should be “Their Callsign or Nickname.”

(5) If you are not Staff, DO NOT try to enforce rules. If a rule is broken, contact a member of staff. Staff may NOT Staff another Staff member, contact a member of administration.

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based upon the severity of the situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):

  • Warning from administration

  • Kick from Discord Server or etc. 

  • Given Permission Revoked tag for a set period of time or etc. 

  • Temporary Ban From Discord Server or etc. 

Any use for personal gain, ex: promoting individual because of personal reasons or etc. is prohibbited. May not abuse power over lower Ranks or etc. May not use authority over civillians as well, civillians are NOT apart of the GB&G and therefore can’t be hold acountable. 


Policy E: Distribution/Selling of Materials

(1) Distribution of ANY GB&G-RP Community Documents or Files (even to other members of the community) is prohibited, unless authorized by a member of Administration or above.

(2) Distribution and/or selling of pornographic material, or any material containing nudity (including partial) and/or sexual reference is prohibited.

(3) Distribution and/or selling any form of illegally obtained software and/or material is prohibited (e.g Pirated games, etc.)

(4) Distribution of  images that contain any type of slandering material is prohibited. (e.g Embarrassing pictures of a Member, etc.)

(5) Selling of any items and/or materials (including software) over the GB&G-RP Community Discord Server is prohibited.
Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s): 

  • Verbal Warning from member of staff

  • Kick from Discord Server

  • Temporary Ban From Discord Server

  • Permanent Ban From Discord Server

  If selling Illegal items in real life as well and get caught the GB&G WILL DISBAN YOU AND YOU WILL BE SENT TO THE NEAREST POLICE STATION OR ETC. CRIMES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE GB&G. 

Policy G : Supervisors

(1) Sergeants, Staff Sergeants, Master Sergeants are Supervisors

  • Give 10-90 or 10-93’s

  • Coach other officers 

  • Checking if the vehicle structure is followed 

  • May have a Staff Tag

(2) Corporals and Senior Corporals are Supervisors In Training

  • Gives 10-90’s ONLY

  • Coach other Officers within your own department

  • Checking if the vehicle structure is followed 

Impersonating a Supervisor will result in any of the following punishment based upon the severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):

  • Seven (7) day suspension

Policy H: GB&G-RP Patrols

(1) Push to talk is required in patrol lobby’s at all time.

(2) All members of the GB&G-RP are required to have a headset while in patrol lobbies.

(3) All RTO Channels must be respected.

(4) Members MUST be in the perspective Patrol Channels while in the GB&G-RP Servers when patrolling.

(5) Members MUST adhere to vehicle, uniform, and weapon structures, as well as all Department/Subdivision Training when patrolling.

(6) Members MUST have an audible microphone while in patrol lobbies.

(7) Members MUST be dedicated to patrols. Watching/playing other media is prohibited while patrolling.

Policy I: Respect Administration Team & Their Decisions

(1) Do not ask for promotions

(2) Do not question decisions made by the Administration Team.

(3) Do not lie to Administration Team.

(4) Do not disrespect the Administration Team in any way.

(5) Head Administration is the highest level of staff, as such, their decisions are final.

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):

  • Counseling

  • Kick from server for an hour

  • Kick from server for a period of 7 days

  • Termination of membership

Policy J: Chain of Command (CoC)

  1. Do not skip ranks.

  2. Do not skip ranks even though that the next high rank member may solve your problem.

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following disciplinary actions based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s): 

  • Kick from the server

  • Temporary ban for 48 hours 

  • Termination of membership 

Policy K: Other Communities & Servers

(1) Members are allowed to be involved with any other Grand Theft Auto V Role-play Community/Clan. However there are certain stipulations in place.

  • All members are allowed to connect to their own private server as long as they are the only ones connecting. 

(2) Current Members who wish to join other communities will be required to submit a short notice to their chain of command declaring their intentions. In this submission, they will be required to include the following:

  • The name of the other community.

  • Their avatar or callsign on the other community.

  • Why they chose to join this other community.

  • Declaring whether or not they intend to rise into a ‘staff’ or equivalent position in that community.

(3) Applicants seeking to join the GB&G-RP that are currently a member of another community will be required to declare their membership in their application. If they are a ‘staff’ member or equivalent in this second community, they will also be required to declare that in their application.

  • Applicants who are currently staff or equivalent in another communities will be required to acknowledge that will be unable to earn a staff-in-training rank or higher in GB&G-RP.

(4) Current and Future members that hold the rank of ‘staff in training’ or higher will be restricted from joining other communities at any time. If current staff in training members, staff members or administrators wish to join a second community, they will be required to rescind their ranks in GB&G-RP, and to return to a ‘member’ status effective immediately. 

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following disciplinary actions based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s): 

  • Demotion of one’s position to one below Staff In Training

  • Termination of Membership.

Policy L: GB&G-RP Media Assets

(1) Recording/streaming of any GB&G-RP content or asset to any website or online avenue is strictly prohibited unless they are a member of the approved GB&G-RP Media Team. 

(2) English must be spoken in all public lobbies.

(3) GB&G-RP is not responsible for any communication held on any 3rd party application even if it is 

Titled DoJ. Example: KIK, Snapchat, Discord, Tinder, Grindr, WazZup, etc.

(4) Use of any GB&G-RP Asset for personal gain or benefit of non authorized individuals and/or organizations is strictly prohibited.

(5) Coming on GB&G-RP Discord Server while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics is strictly prohibited.

(6) Inappropriate, offensive, harmful Discord disconnect/away messages is strictly prohibited.

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):

  • Counseling

  • Kick from server for an hour

  • Kick from server for a period of 7 days

  • Termination of membership

Policy M: Privacy & Security

(1) Sharing of any personal information including but not limited to: Sex, Sexual Orientation, lifestyle, Race, Financial status etc, is forbidden any information that you decide to shared will be at your own risk and GB&G-RP can not and will not be responsible.

(2)GB&G-RP business must be communicated on Discord

Policy N: Miscellaneous

(1) Rank is considered a privilege; abuse of rank will result in demotion.

(2) Forming a group or “clique” within the community is prohibited.

(3) In order to join a sub-division within your primary department, you must first achieve the

rank of Officer/Deputy/State Trooper/Firefighter or higher.

Failure to comply with the above policy can result in any of the following punishment based upon severity of situation and/or persistence of problem with member(s):

  • Kick from server for an hour

Policy O: Inactivity

(1) If a member is to become inactive from the GB&G-RP for more than 7 days, a “Leave of Absence” (LOA) post must be made by the member on the GB&G-RP website. 

(2) LOA’s are allowed for up to 30 days. If a member requires an LOA longer than 30 days, they must get Administration approval. 

  • The maximum amount of time Administration can grant an LOA extensions for is 3 months. After the 3 months have elapsed and the member has not returned, they will be removed and asked to re-apply. 

(3) If a member is inactive for 30 days or longer without posting an LOA they will be removed from the GB&G-RP and asked to re-apply. 

(4) Administration reserves the right to:

  • Remove anyone from the GB&G-RP for inactivity based on their professional judgement. 

  • Grant extensions longer than 3 months on a case-by-case basis (emergencies or severe circumstances only).

Terms of Use: About
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